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Dear visitors looking for castles in Germany…

30130.jpgMy tracking tool reveals a huge interest in USA and the UK concerning castles and chateaus in Germany, France, etc. I see clicks from California, Missouri, N.Y.: These visitore are responsible for 4 % of my traffic ;-)

Thank You very much! And You’re heartly invited to post a comment!

But maybe You can do me another favour: I’m searching informations about european castles, which have been purchased by Americans, transferred to the USA and re-build there. If anyone remembers such an „imported castle“, please tell me.

I found a lot of fantasy-chateaus, build by real and wannabee-millionairs in the net – 300 „Castles of the United States“ are shown at Dupontcastle.com for example – but I’m still searching for the „real“ euro-american castle.

92638-large.jpgThere is a british film from 1935 „The Ghost goes West“, in german „Ein Gespenst geht nach Amerika“ with Robert Donat – a romantic comedy which describes such a transport of a (scottish) castle. With a ghost, of course, travelling as a blind passanger. It was a great success in Britain.

I’m sure, there is a real core in the story…

Any Ideas?

Feel free to comment!
Fotos: Amazon.com / Burgerbe.de

Ein Gedanke zu „Dear visitors looking for castles in Germany…“

  1. Tattershall Castle in Lincolnshire was almost moved to the USA. The fireplaces were extracted and returned. The chimney pieces were on a boat. Then Lord Curzon bought it and the American deal was off: http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/caring/heritage-centenary/landmark-listings/tattershall-castle … There may have been others which were successfully moved to the USA prior to this. But Tattershall changed the law and made it impossible for it to happen again. Sorry I can’t be of more help.

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